Chapter 1: Mansion Entrance
- Pick up FLUX BADGE 1/10 in the upper right.
- Pick up the highlighted items in the scene to assemble the OWL.
- Move the chair (A); pick up the PIECE OF MUSIC BOX (B).
- Place the assembled OWL on the table (C) to trigger a puzzle.
- The starting position of the owl will vary with each game; however, you can solve any puzzle by following the steps below using the markings on the screenshot as a guide.
- Move “B” until the “FF” letters line up with the “FF” on the table.
- Move “D” until the “FF” letters line up with the “FF” on the table.
- Move “A” until the owl’s is facing forward, in line with the “FF” on the table.
- Move “C” until the “FF” letters line up with the “FF” on the table to complete puzzle.
- Click on the open drawer (D) next to the gated door to trigger a Hidden Object Scene.
- The 9 PLANETS are marked in red.
- The FLUX KEY will be added to inventory.
- Open the gate on left with the FLUX KEY; click on the key once to unlock the door. Go through door.
- Pick up HISTORY BADGE 1/10 on the left.
- Pick up the highlighted items in the scene.
- Open the drawer (A) with the FLUX KEY; pick up FLUX BOOK inside.
- Go left.
- Pick up SECRETS BADGE 1/10 in the upper center.
- Pick up the highlighted items to assemble the LAMP, BUTTIONS, and MUSIC BOX.
- Place the LAMP on the table (A).
- Place the MUSIC BOX above the cabinet to trigger a puzzle.
- Place the KEY on the right side of the music box (B); click on the key.
- Pick up the PUNCHCARD (C) at the bottom of the music box.
- Click on the Hidden Object Scene (D).
- Open the red case (A) with the KEY (B); pick up the FLUX BATTERY inside the case.
- Go right.
- Zoom into the control panel (A) to the right of the door.
- Place the PANEL BUTTONS in the 4 empty slots, marked in yellow.
- Place the PUCNHCARD on the slot marked in green.
- Click on the 2 buttons marked in red to open the panel below; place the FLUX BATTERY inside.
- Click on the 2 buttons marked in red to close the panel.
- Duplicate the sequence shown on the colored buttons.
- Complete 4 rounds to win this puzzle. The solutions are random.
- Go through the open door to enter the Library.
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